29 August 2011

MAIL!!!! ~*~ Sigma Synthetic Face Edition Set ~*~

I have seriously been waiting for this ever since I won it from Lu Girelli's blog  http://www.vaidadesevariedades.com If you haven't checked her blog out then you most definitely should because she has a wide range of posts for everyone!!

Thank you so much! I couldn't believe that I won this! I have always wanted these and more from Sigma! AMAZING ... still in shock... can you tell? haha

I am so thankful that I get the chance to try these out... my budget as of late has not allowed me to be frivolous with my money and its sad because there is just soo soo much that I want to try and post reviews on my blog about them. :-)
Anyways, here is a little peek at the inside.... I wanted to share the opening experience with you if you haven't received a package from sigma. :-)

I thought that was so cute that there was a little congratulations in there too!

There was also a "Become an Affiliate" pamphlet also. :-) (I already am one! :-) )

Here are the beauties! When I reached into the bag I seriously wanted to give these babies a kiss each! ahah So so so soft

If you don't already know the Synthetic Face Kit comes with 

F82 - Round Top Kabuki Brush
F80 - Flat Top Kabuki Brush (I've been dying to try this out!)
F84 - Angled Top Kabuki Brush 

I can't wait to try these out! Of course there will be a review afterwards! How could their not be? ( I know I wish I was the first to try these out and post a review) Oh well my opinion is my opinion :-)

If you would like to see more of Sigma's beautiful brushes/Kits. Then check out their website at Sigma Makeup.

Thank you for reading its much appreciated! 


Shawna   *.~


  1. One of these days I will actually purchase some of these brushes. I currently own the small crease brush and it's quite good!

  2. They look sooooo soft! I own two brushes from them & they're both nice :)

  3. Congrats, I'm so jealous! The F80 is truly amazing!

  4. Congrats...that is awesome! Love the f80!

  5. Those brushing look amazing. I just bought a bunch of really expensive brushes. That is so great that you got those for free. :) Now following your blog.

    I would love for you to stop by Fash Boulevard and check out my latest outfit post.



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