24 May 2012


Ok, so it's been waaaayy too long since I posted! About a month but when you have someone constantly stealing the computer! It makes it hard to post sometimes.

I know I've typed this before but I really want to start posting more at least once a week! This is just a quick post to let you guys know that! And I will be doing Friday Favs again too! So keep an eye out for that post tomorrow! ;-)

I miss posting I miss this little bit of venting ha ha I miss reading your comments! My blog was an important part of my life for the longest time and I don't want to give it up!

Thank you to everyone who is still following my blog it seriously means the world to me! <3

And make sure and keep an eye out for that blog post tomorrow! Friday Favs! It was called Love of The Week... I guess I could keep it.. I don't know let me know what you think? :-)

Thank you,



  1. Just stopped by to say hello and looking forward to reading your next posts.:D

    ***** Marie *****


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