14 June 2012

Jungle Inspired Makeup Contest

Ok, so I had to move the contest over to blogger simply because facebook was crackin down on their rules. A bunch of fanpages were being deleted sadly .. so I didn't want that happening.. I also didn't want to stop the contest! So from now on the giveaways and contests will be hosted here ONLY! I will post on facebook, twitter, tumblr.. where ever to let you guys know of when I'm having one! :-)



1. Your look must be Jungle Inspired Themed or Has to do something with the theme in order for it to count. I'm giving you lot's of room to play around with this! ANYTHING GOES as long as it has to do with the theme!
2. Must be a fan of my page Twistful Beauty
4. 18 years old or older or have parent or guardians permission.
5. US and Canada ONLY!
6. Must have Twistful Beauty somewhere visible and NOT Photoshopped in!
7. It can be a collage... please don't ask me to do it because I'm not very good at it ha ha but here is something that I found and it helped me out alot http://www.photocollage.net/
8. This is NOT a likes contest. It will be judged by me and a couple other people
9.This contest is no way endorsed by Facebook. OR Blogger
10. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
11.  You can email it to me at themisstwist@hotmail.com

NO PHOTOSHOPPING WHAT SO EVER! The only editing should be doing the collage :-)

By entering you are agreeing to these rules.

I will be sending the items out myself unless a sponsor wants to send additional items out to the winners.

Have Fun and Good Luck! ♥

 1st Prize Winner will get:
4 samples - Hyacinth, Wolfie, Hello Kitty, Peppermint.
Dime'er Primer
Without A Trace Foiling Serum

*All were purchased by me and is NOT sponsored*

I may add a few extra items to each bundles.

 2nd Prize Winner will get:
 4 samples by Candii Blossom Cosmetics - Green with Envy, Twisted Metal,Naked, Badtz Maru.
Nude Bubblegum Balm
Batz Maru Sparkly ring

*All items were purchased by me and is NOT sponsored*

Again I may add a few items later on. :-)

Also a sponsor was kind enough to contact me and offer to sponsor a few items 

Each winner will get two items randomly.

Allechant Mineral Cosmetics will be sponsoring a few items to the contest!! So make sure and thank them for doing so ♥

Ok, I'm not sure who gets what but when I find out I will update this.. it may be a surprise! ;-)

Any 1 of these two lip glosses

And Any 2 of the color blocking lip glosses http://www.etsy.com/listing/98910973/colour-blocking-pouty-lip-gloss?ref=v1_other_2

And a 5 gram jar of Hot Cherry Mineral eyeshadow.

Here are the entries that I received so far <3

Thank you so much for reading!


  1. Hey Miranda <3

    you can follow my blog by clicking join this site on the bottom of my page hun. My blog has a different layout than usual :-)

  2. Gonna do something for this today!! :-)

  3. K cuz im on mobile it's kinda hard


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