Yummy Skin Review

- Body Butter in Tropical Breeze
- Lip Conditioner in French Vanilla
 I had gotten these two products in the mail yesterday in courtesy of Chantilliscious‬‏
on youtube (if you haven't heard of her then go and check her out! I love her! <3) This was one of 3 prizes for a contest. And luckily I won! woot woot.

Okay so YummySkin is a Canadian based company that sells nourishment in a bottle for your body and lips... hence the name yummy skin.. ha ha
Yummy Skin is proud to say that their products do not and I repeat do not contain parabens, dyes or artificial colorants, sulphates, phthalates, silicones. They say that they are 100% to 97% natural. Which in my opinion is pretty damn good! It makes me want to throw out my other moisturizers!

When I got this I wanted to immediately put it on but since its winter outside it was kinda frozen! ha ha So I had to wait! And I am not the most patient person in the world! Especially since I've been wanting to try this out for sometime now! :-D

After putting this on I noticed that it absorbed right into my skin right away! It was like my skin was waiting for this forever and just ate it up right away! No greasyness from it what so ever and my legs felt amazing, if I do say so myself! I am actually wearing right now on my hands as I type this out and I tell you.. I can't stop sniffing it smells soo good! They have 5 other scents to choose from.
The lip conditioner I was really surprised with. I am very picky when it comes to lip conditioners because when I pick one out. I want it to do what it was named after... yes, that's right condition your lips! It smells just as uh-mazing as the body butter but this time on my lips! And if you put a little extra on it looks like you're wearing gloss which is a bonus! They also have 3 other flavors as well! 
So go and check out their site. If these scents are not your fancy they have lots more to choose from! They are also on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks for reading! :-D

xo - Shawna

Balmshell Lip Gloss Mini Collection Review


After I watched a canadian guru on youtube review these! MissCaseyB. I just had to enter a contest that Balmshell was hosting and was luckily was one of the winners. So surprised and excited! Seriously checking my mail like everyday looking for these! haha But I got them today! And it just made my day! 
Now on to my first impressions of these lipglosses..... (dun dun duuuunnn)

The Balmshell's Ultimate Mini Lip Gloss Collection includes 5 of their top selling lip glosses which are Darling You Look Fabulous, Shoe Fetish, Shopaholic, Weekend in the Hamptons & Yummy Mummy. (which are in fact in that order from right to left) and here is a swatch below

Now what I thought about these lip glosses they are the most amazing lip glosses that I have seriously ever tried! They are creamy and very moisturizing. My lips are in love! As you can tell from the picture above there are different sheers.... a sparkle and a shimmer. Different colors to suit everyone. These are also Paraben Free.
The prices for these bad boys are $24.00 CAD (sorry don't know in USD) The full sizes of these are $20.00. Sorry I do not know how much is in each product I couldn't find it anywhere!They also have Lip/Cheek tints as well!

I am most def going to be buying the full sizes! And the smell it says that it was flavored with the hint of fruity vanilla but what this really reminds me of is strawberry cupcake or shortcake.... uhh... you know the toy that turned into a cupcake and it smelled.... well this is what it smells like... every time I smell this lip gloss I'm taken back to when I was a kid. haha good memories good memories so its all good. :-)

You can buy these in Canada (Shopper's Drug Mart, Lawton's Drug, London Drugs and Dermstore.ca) and The United States available online at Dermstore.com

Here's a lil about the creater's Jennifer and Fiona Lees the two most beautiful women I've seen! Seriously now I know why the name is Balmshell! haha
They are identical twin sisters from Canada. They wanted to create the most perfect lip gloss and they succeeded! Wanna know how they got the inspiration for the packaging and look? Well they bought a float art pen. If there is anything else you would like to know check out their website at Balmshell.

Thanks so much for reading!

xo ~ Shawna

My Kiss Nail Experience at Home


I had posted previously about buying these two items.

I finally decided to try them out about a few days after i bought them. Since i'm use to applying gel to my nails this was a little weird for me but got through it. I did make a couple of mistakes ha ha but other than that they turned out well and now I know what to do for next time.

It had taken me about an hour and a half or so because I had to fit the nails they were a bit too big and would have basically covered over half of my nail! which would have looked like a hot mess if I would have just put them on. There is only one nail on each of my hand that does look a bit longer but its not a big deal they still look really nice. 

After I finished buffing and making them look nice I put on some clear nail polish and let me tell you they look awesome and I'm extremely happy with them! Especially for my first time! So I do think that anyone can do them. But if you aren't use to doing anything with your less dominant hand than you may need help or there are other options with the kiss nail kits that I've seen that are more easier to apply (don't quote me on that though you'll need to shop around)

I did decide to put some nail art on them because just the plain white french tips aren't enough for me. I love my nails to have alot going on, on them. 

So, here are a couple of pics of the outcome!

As you can see my hands are dry! ha ha I deal with this every damn winter... regardless of what I use they are still dry. 

Anyways, the liquid is some seriously stank stuff! and you kinda need to work fast and that I didn't like because since it was my first time.

I also put a little extra on due to the fact that I'm hard on my nails. I wasn't worried about if it would look funny because thats why you file it down to the size and shape you want.
If you have any questions about this that I didn't mention then let me know! ;-)

Thanks for reading once again!

xo ~ Shawna

Say What?!? Static Free?


So, I have problems with static in the winter like mad crazy! I'm sure every Canadian woman knows exactly what I am talking about! I just so happen to live in British Columbia close to the Alberta boarder.... and let me tell you! In the winter time my hair is my worst enemy it hates me.... same with my skin! It hates me! My body hates me in general! Its like its attacking me! So below is a picture of the products that I use basically on a daily basis.

Anyways, I was in Walmart in the beginning of February and was looking for some new shampoo and conditioner and a heat protection spray.. since I didn't go to Shopper's Drug Mart I wasn't able to get some CHI. So I bought the Tresemme Heat Tamer Spray instead. When I look for hair products it takes me forever because I read and read!
Anways, I finally found Garnier Fructis shampoo/conditioner for damaged hair... the thing that turned me toward it was the triple protection it says it has! So thought that I would give it a go.. then I also found Garniers Triple nutrition Double Care Spray... it has two different things in it Detangling Milk which nourishes your hair without weighting it down and obviously it detangles plus a Repairing Serum that is enriched with fruit oils that penetrates each layer of hair.. which it repairs and softens hair. And when you first look at it the two (Milk and Serum) are separated and you need to shake it up to activate it! Now I was like what kind of mumbo jumbo is Garnier Fructis tryna feed me!?

Well let me tell you something..... they weren't kidding!! After the first use of these products I noticed results right away! No more static! My hair was soft and omg smelled great! Still a week after using it I don't notice my hair being too oily which sometimes Garnier Fructis does that me... I don't know if anyone else has that problem with them but I do sometimes! I absolutely love these products together!
I also really love the Tresemme Heat Spray... but let me tell you it sure doesn't smell that good. But it doesn't put me off from using so it can't be that bad.
I have been using these products for about a month now. And I noticed a big change in my hair. I don't remember the price I paid for these items but they are affordable which I love! This is a great find for me because I am so picky with my hair products.
 So, this concludes and I thought I would share some of my finds with you in hopes that it would help! ;-)

Thank you for reading! 

xo ~ Shawna

Haul : Shopper's Drug Mart & Wal-Mart

Since it was payday for me yesterday I decided to get a few things that I have been wanting to get for awhile but just didn't have the money to.

So, it was a "get shawna what she wants day" ... ha ha I haven't had one of those days for awhile! It was sheer bliss to do so!

I recommend one of these days at least once a month... maybe more! ha ha

Anyways, I first went to Shopper's Drug Mart and picked up the Neutrogena Wave Due power cleanser and an extra pack of cleanser pads to go with it. It was on sale for $10.99 CAD originally $12.99 CAD and the extra pads weren't on sale and those were $7.99 CAD. I bought the extra pads because my boyfriend will probably use it too! ha ha

Its kinda cool because it comes with extra pads and a AA Battery to be able to use it! Which is a bonus because sometimes items like this don't come with a battery and you have to spend extra money! 

The next two things that I bought from Shopper's Drug Mart are two books. Both apart of a series called A Vampire Academy. There are currently six books and won't be anymore after these two about Rose Hathaway, the lead character. But they will do a spin off series. I am just in love with vampire teen books for some reason. I just keep buying them! ha ha I added these just to show you guys what I am currently reading at the moment and to let you also know that if you know of any gooders let me know! I am always in search of new reading material. :-)
I also bought my son a book from Shopper's Drug Mart as well.

Now, on with the items that I bought from Wal-Mart. I'm so excited to try this out! I bought Kiss Acrylic Sculpture Kit. Which was $13.98 CAD. I've never used acrylic before, so this is going to be interesting. 
I use to do my nails using gel but thats nasty and gets everywhere especially when I did my right hand! I figured I would try something a little different so we will see how this turns out! I will have a review on this after I've put them on!

To accompany it I bought a 4 way buffer block which was $2.58 CAD. To shine it so it has a slight gloss to it. I also bought eye solution for $7.69 CAD but I bought this separately at No Frill's because it is the lowest price there for it.

That concludes my shopping haul! 

I will have in depth reviews on the Neutrogena Wave Duo, Kiss Acrylic Sculpture Kit at a later date!

Thank you for reading!

xo ~ Shawna

My Neutral Eye Look - Pics - Quick Tutorial

  • Wet n Wild Trio in Knock on Wood
  • Wet n Wild single in Brulee
  • Elf mineral e/s in Glamorous, Temptress and Sweet

Well, I got bored today and decided to show you guys my neutral eye look
Very simple eyeshadow that seriously takes me like 5 - 10 minutes to do
This is awesome especially when I'm in a rush

If you want to know how I achieve this look then keep reading! :-)

I used Urban Decay's Primer Potion in Sin

Then used Temptress all over the lid to the crease
Glamorous in the crease and the corner creating a small v for depth and a lil underneath the eye only going mid way.
For me this wasn't enough because I am dark it just didn't look right to me... so I used a lil of the middle color of knock on wood and blended them together.

Brulee for the brow bone and sweet just in the arc of my brow bone. A lil of brulee underneath the eyes and sweet in the corners.
Next I lined my eyes with a black kohl pencil and used my flat angled brush and went over my liner and dragged it out a bit to create a fast wing. (this is what I did when i didn't know how to do it evenhandedly)
Doing this makes it soft and that's what we want for a neutral eye look!
I also curled my lash then put on some fake eyelashes! haha I love them and wear them everytime I do my makeup! <3
Quick tip: I have long lashes that are stick straight! when I curl my lashes I use my blow dryer and blow dry my curler but not too hot though! then I curl my lashes right at the base but not hard! and move my curler a lil further up and curl again... a lil further up and curl again.. do that all the way to the tip! and it will curl your entire lash beautifully! again do not curl them hard! or else you'll get kinks in your lashes and it will look funny! haha

Well thats it I hope you enjoyed it!

xo ~ Shawna

My MakeupGeek Entry - Arab Inspired Look


This is my entry.

Have a looksy... let me know what you think...

You know what you like and what you don't like!

You may think that I'm asking to get bitten but I can take it! haha
I did my best with the skills that I have so far and I'm looking to get better
So without that critic I can't change those little things

I used my 120 pro palette which I love love
I also used stila's smudge pot
I also used wet n wild's cream eyeshadows which I friggen hate they crease like mad crazy! even with a little bit and a primer damn it! I'm mad. haha
I only paid like $3 a piece but still I could have bought something else with that money!

Anyways, I ramble and I'm rambling
Let me know what you think! :-)

xo ~ Shawna

Rant: Wet n Wild Mega Slicks Lip Gloss


Last week I had went to Walmart and bought a wet n wild lip gloss in sheerly cocoa it was something like $1.99. Which is why I bought it haha
I was so excited to try it out because I love wet n wild!

Well I do not like this stuff at all! It stinks it has a sticky creamy consistency
I would probably still wear this if the smell wasn't soo bad!

I can not stress how bad it smells.... kinda like stale playdoh! And really really old lipstick! Not the best lip gloss!
On that note....

They say its a lip gloss but its more of a runny lipstick... its thick and does not moisturize. And it says that its sheerly cocoa well there really isn't anything sheer about it because of the consistency.

I tried to wear it for the day but I kept smelling it finally had to take it off!
I do not know if the others smell like this! I just know this one does!

So yeah if I were you I wouldn't waste money and buy Sheerly Cocoa! Thats what I've come to conclude!
But if you want to try it out anyways be my guest!


Thanks for reading!

xo ~ Shawna

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