12 October 2011

EOTD - Purple Schmurple

Yesterday, I got a little surprise in the mail! I didn't realize that I had mail because I looked and didn't see anything. There are little peep holes in my mail box so I just took a quick look and didn't see anything. Well when Lee came home he handed me a package right away. I was so soo excited because I knew exactly what it was! It was the Still Glamorus eyeshadow from That'sSoRenee. I had entered her twitter giveaway and won! woot woot! :-) I got 5 eyeshadow pigments and a nail polish (will be a separate post) :-)

I am officially in love! <3 These pigments are so soft and blendable its insane! They are EXTREMELY affordable too! I am most def going to be buying some in the near future! :-)
Anyways, I decided to mess around with them and came up with this look!

I put Lala in the inner corner. Passion in the middle and Ex-Girlfriend in the outter corner and blended it all in the crease and lightly blended over the entire lid.

Then I decided to put Addicted over top of the Ex-Girlfriend. Blended it into the crease.
I lined my bottom with addicted in the outter corner brought that into the inner eye lightly.
  Then I took Passion and lined over top creating a gradient effect. The Lala was in the inner corner... if you didn't catch that. :-)

My camera stinks! :-( The colors are alot more vibrant in the real!
I then put on liquid eyeliner and put on falsies. :-)

I hope you enjoyed! 

As always thank you for reading!




  1. gorgeous!! I LOVE those purple colors!

  2. I love dark purple eyeshadows, these look great on you! Do you fake tan? I envy your skin tone!

  3. aw you look gorgeous! Purple is your color!

  4. i love it can i keep you in my pocket so i can just wake up and look like the movie girls all done :)

  5. YAY for winning!!! I love your falsies! They look long but not crazy! What kind are they?

  6. You have an amazing bronzed goddess look to you! Stunning~

  7. Another win! you are lucky girl! Buy those lotto tickets asap ;)
    Like everyone has commented, you do have ridiculously pretty skin! =D lol how weird is that to say to someone but its true.
    The purple is very nice I think it looks great!

  8. love the makeup! very pretty!!!! hope you'll visit my blog and follow...=)

    have a nice day!


  9. This is such a pretty color on you. Love it.

    New follower :)

    Amelia xxx


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