15 October 2011

Where I get Inspiration From....

I am seriously a person who is a huge procrastinator!! So me doing a blog and keeping up with it is really big for me. And having followers really does help because you see that these people love what your posting about or else they wouldn't follow you. 

I sometimes feel like ..... {lots of random shit} <~~~~ basically when it comes to my blog and what to post about. Because there are so many other posts about the same thing that I bought... or want to purchase. And to make it appeal to people so that they'll want to read it. Those are just examples of things that go through my head. Its a huge jumble in there to be honest I'm always thinking and thinking and thinking... anyways ...

A blog I feel is a reflection of you... in a way its like a diary ... a little peak into your life. If you choose to. Does this make sense? Or am I talking in riddles and changing the subject too much?

Anyways, when this happens to me. I like to sit and search the web or read a book... sometimes I'll listen to music. Or hang with chase and watch cartoons with him. Sometimes I'll ask him what to post about haha he always says either ben 10 or spiderman haha maybe one day I'll post about those guys ha yeh right!

But these are just some things that give me inspiration to do what I want.... because really that's what matters. I guess what I'm trying to say is sometimes its hard to shut out all that clatter and to post about what you want. It is very selfless but sometimes we do need to a little bit selfish.



Did this make any sense? I know I only had one beer but I'm sure not that drunk to where it wouldn't make any at all! :-P

Take care!



  1. I like the idea of your blog representing your personality. I think thats why it's so interesting to read blogs. LOve your lil pics :) If I took my son's advice, I'd be blogging about Black OPs lol

  2. I loved the post! Makes sense to me =) Love your blog!!

  3. All these quotes are so inspirational~

  4. nice :)

    you can follow me



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