So a few months ago.... ok ok more than a few months ago. I purchased a totally kick ass shirt from Javaboi Industries! If you're a coffeeholic like I am then you will love these shirts.
I watched a video from a very beautiful and talented chicka named BentleyBlonde on youtube. And she was featuring a shirt from Javaboi Industries... I immediately fell in love!
I then seen that he had a twitter and a facebook. So I sent requests. Then we became best buds haha jus kidding. I had wanted to support him so much especially after reading his story which is right here Eric's Story. Not only that but I loved the product and the idea. I thought that it was so original and different from anything that I've seen here my town! So of course I had to get one. Although I wasn't able to right away! :-(
But before I was able to I seriously bombarded him with so many questions.... I'm surprised he didn't block me or something haha He is that great! Awesome personality. Talks to everyone when he can. He is very generous from what I've seen and read in the past. I'm very glad that I took the time to find all of this out! Its nice to know that a company really does care and takes the time. So thank you Eric for making my javaboi experience that much more!
When I finally received my package. There were these two items in it.
I seriously have never seen anything packaged like this except for coffee... very fancy coffee! haha I also received a little note as well with my twitter name on it! :-) He was also very kind and sent me a javaboi patch! Which I love! I am waiting for the perfect place to put it! haha
(I was having fun messing around with gimp) lol
The fabric is preshrunk so when companies have shirts like that it usually means that they won't shrink alot when you wash them! :-) Mine has stayed the same.. the black hasn't faded... it still basically looks like new! lol I take very good care of my clothes when they are good quality and these shirts are!! They are soooo soft!! I can't wait to buy more!
Another cute thing that I noticed was the tag on it, it had all of his info on it as to where to find him! I haven't seen anyone do that to their shirts! Totally cool!
I will show you guys a few of my favs from his website! I think that you will like them too!

Nerd's Rock (women's)
JBI Logo (women's)
He also sells Men's Javaboi Shirts as well! I think that he has something for everyone! A Coffee lover's tee shirt dream!
As always all my blog posts are my personal opinions! <3
The photo's of Javaboi shirts are his own I gots me some permission!
(the two of me are mine though! haha)
Thank you for reading!
Javaboi Girl Shawna....... out!
Awesome Blogpost! Im Javagirl Moon ;) Gotta love Javaboi What What!!! lol XO
He is awesome! A blast to talk to on twitter, seems like such a nice person and hard worker =D I LOVE that shirt!! That's the one I would buy when I finally do it!
I love the photo backgrounds you are making lately it's cool! I would have no clue how to do that!!
Thank you Javaboi Girl Moon! <3
Taygan - He really is! I'm glad that I got the chance to purchase from him! <3 I can't wait to buy more! The backgrounds I was just messing around it adds a bit more omfph to the pictures! Its super easy! :-)
Too cute! I love the cute coffee cup logo, these are great for comfy casual clothes.
Such cute shirts!! I'm a coffee addict too!! :)
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