I was so excited about these! I had won a giveaway hosted by sassyNpunk featuring Sideshow By The Sea. i won a $30 gift certificate to their website. :-)
So I picked out the "Kick Rocks" Rings. These are two one finger rings. Really nice. I actually have an idea to jazz these babies up and bling them out so they stand out more!
Then I also picked out a necklace. I picked the Skulls & Angels Necklace. I just love this! It is the perfect length its not too long it hangs probably just above my belly button. Its very light weight which is nice.
The rings are nice they aren't a two finger ring so its easy to move your fingers around. They have an adjustable ring prong.
As you can see the necklace has alot of charms but its not "gotty" and chunky its still kick ass but kept feminine. I just love skulls!!
I was going to do a huge mail post but there was just too much and too many pictures
So, I decide to post them at different times.
Thanks for reading
Congrats, those are so cute!
Thank you ladies! They had so much that I wanted ha ha
LOL too much mail wahoo that is exciting!Am I going to want to trade mail boxes with you too? ;)
Love the necklace it is AWESOME!!!!! can't wait to see what you have to show next!
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I love reading them! ;-)