Today I decided that I was going to try out a nice bronze color with a matte black
I ended up really liking the look so I thought that I would share. :-)
During my crap feeling day I tried to feel better by doing a nice eye!
Well, that sure didn't help but I looked good while feeling like shit so that had to have counted for something ha ha
I am in love with this eye look because its only two colors (well three for the all over lid color) and super easy to do! My kind of look for those "I want to look like I spent hours doing my makeup when actually I only took about 5-10 mintues on each eye"
Blending gotta love it!
What I did:
Ok so first I primed then put on a nice nude color all over the lid for easier blending (I think its easier anyways :-P)
You can do the next step one of two ways apply the lid color first then the crease color or apply the crease color then the lid color.
I did the lid color first because I personally don't care if the shimmery bronze gold eye color blends into the crease color (I obviously chose a shimmery bronze gold)
I then took a matte black and created a v shape in the outter corner while doing a windshield wiper motion in the crease. Doing this softens it up alot so I put more black on and blended the outter edges so no harsh lines.
Next, I applied my liner from Quo and created a winged out liner
Next step optional - I took a small angled brush and the black e/s and put it underneath the eye in the outter corner.
Then took the bronze gold and put that in the inner tear duct area then swept it all the way underneath the black and bring it all the way up underneath the winged out liner.
Then took the bronze gold and put that in the inner tear duct area then swept it all the way underneath the black and bring it all the way up underneath the winged out liner.
I almost didn't post today but thought since I had the picture and all! :-)
I am trying to not think about my headache which is no fun. I get spasms in my neck which then causes me to be very tense and that causes tension headaches. My body takes the phrase "You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders" a little to seriously!
Thank you for reading
I hope you feel better soon. Love the eye makeup!
It looks great!!
cute blog. im now following. btw love the look.
Beautiful eye makeup <3
I'm a new follower- http://rakhshanda-chamberofbeauty.blogspot.com
Wow very very pretty!
Ha I do that too sometimes, make myself look pretty when I am not feeling well! It sort of helps. Yours looks great, the eye shadow is really lovely. I'm glad I found your blog when we were both tagged over on All Things Girlie! :-) xx
Wow gorgeous!! Those colors are my fav! Hope your headache goes away...they really know how to ruin the damn day :(
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